STWST48x5 Stay Unfinished, Linz
WANDERING LAB employs the technique of chromatography as a method for creating a self-portrait of the artist’s wandering lab, moments of a personal, collective and generational journey from digital hopefulness to environmental awareness. The moments and spaces are organised following the reading of the chromatography, situated between organic and mineral, thus escaping from a linear time-based organisation to embrace a topographical snapshot of an unfinished being in laboratories of becoming.
The work makes explicit the link between human and humus and the simultaneously temporal and atemporal state of continual flux that is the earth itself and ourselves as wandering, unfinished consciousnesses.
Dimensions: 1m50 x 1m50 (2 prints of 75 cm x 1m50)
Wallmounted Laser print
Thanks to Espora Semillas/Dalo, Medellín, Colombia for their support and to Shu Lea Cheang for the invitation.
WANDERING LAB . was shown at STWST48x5 STAY UNFINISHED – 6 to 8 September 2019 in the artist run space STWST – is a 48-hour showcase extravaganza brings together critical producers and artists to negotiate permanently unfinished conditions.
STWST48x5 STAY UNFINISHED addresses the programmatically unfinished, the real existing utopia and the ever expanding art contexts of the new.
48 Hours Stay Unfinished. 48 Hours Stay Awake. 48 Hours Totally Ready.
As part of STAY UNFINISHED I was also the host of UNFINISHED LAB .
La receta de la colada morada:
1000 gramos de harina de maíz morado
2 kg. de moras
2.5 kg. de frutilla
5 piñas
400 gr. de arandanos
12 ramas de canela
40 u. de clavo de olor
40 u. de pimienta de dulce
6 u. ishpingo
xxx kilo de azúcar
Un atado hierba luisa, ataco, hojas de naranja, cedrón y arrayán ( Esto se lo encuentra en el mercado ya listo y proporcionado)
- Cernir bien -unas 3 veces- la harina de maíz morado usando un cedazo fino. Luego poner a remojar esta harina en ½ litro de agua tibia evitando que se formen grumos.
- Hervir 2 litros de agua y agregar la mora, mortiño, naranjilla. Una vez cocida, licuar y cernir.
- Hervir en 2 litros de agua las especias, la cáscara de la piña y el azúcar. Cuando rompa el hervor se agrega el atado de hierba y se deja enfriar.
- Al liquido cernido de las especias añadir la fruta licuada y cernida y agrega la piña cortada en cuadritos pequeños. A continuación se agrega el harina de maíz morado y remover.
- Dejar hervir 10 a 15 minutos. Para terminar se agregan las frutillas picadas.