Archive for category projects

Date: March 13th, 2015
Cate: actividades, projects, space, textos

Arte en Órbita, Quito, Ecuador

Cartel de Arte en Órbita

Curaduria, con Fabiane Borges, de la exposición Arte en Órbita en el Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Quito,
7 marzo al 6 junio 2015
web :
facebook : fotos :
reseña de Maylin Alonso Castillo
review by Bob Ramsak
text by Pedro Soler for Leonardo magazine

Date: September 23rd, 2013
Cate: projects, space

Penelope : Devenir Antena

Aguas Brancas, Brasil

1. PENELOPE :  Permanent Extended Network for Environmental Listening to Orbiting Phenomena of Earth.

Proposal for the the creation of 5 ground stations for local and celestial observations with autonomous space agencies in 5 countries of the world in order to follow the flights of newly launched satelites, like the Ulises or the Mur.sat, and other celestial bodies.

The project aims to create a network of transnational collectives that are developing artistic and hacker space programs as well as reinforcing the role of each local group in relation to the public as well as existing or developing national or international space programs.

Each ground station will carry out listening, recording and documentary duties , astronomical data collection  and observation of local biopolitical conditions as well as organising workshops, conferences and experiments with the general public. These activities of satellite observation will raise public consciousness of space programs, understanding satellites as well as creating new narratives, stories and imagination about space.


Date: June 12th, 2013
Cate: places, projects

III Internacional do Movimento dos Sem-Satélite (MSST)

Encuentro @ Nuvem, 21 e 24 de junho de 2013

Report :



Simone Chambelland (1921-2013) “Universidad del Espacio” 1970
Colección del Museo de Bellas Artes, Santiago de Chile

Date: December 28th, 2012
Cate: projects, textos

Linkdealer @ 404 School Not Found

En español :


Hello, i am Pedro Soler, your link farmer / dealer this month. Each week I will send you a selection of commented links about subjects that are on my mind and in my life.


Date: December 20th, 2012
Cate: projects

Featuring … PS

La pelicula de Alberto Gracia “O Quinto Evanxeo de Gaspar Hauser” (donde aparezco en el papel de un loco desnudo en un bosque quemado) ha sido seleccionado por el Rotterdam Film Festival y ha ganado el premio FIPRESCI !

Me puedes encontrar también en el vídeo de Miquel García “La Asamblea” producido dentro del programa Participar.
El video se puede bajar aqui

Date: December 1st, 2012
Cate: projects

Reality Creation Kit @ La Porta

Qué es lo real y cómo lo creamos?

Adoptando la metodología del kit , con componentes que van desde las prácticas performativas hasta la física cuántica, investigamos cómo re-inventar lo real, creando un espacio de fuga colectivo.