Archive for category actividades

Date: April 16th, 2012
Cate: actividades

Aviso de Emergencia 14 – 15.06.12

emergencia / paula pin / 2012

MIMAART _ Aviso de Emergencia
Paula Pin, Gaia Leandra, Helena Torres, Mutanger,  Jaime de los Rios, Pedro Soler

14 y 15 de junio 2012, 17h a 20h
CAMON, Alicante, Festival MIMAA

Aviso de Emergencia es un encuentro con artistas trabajando en las fronteras entre naturaleza, maquina y arte : los sistemas digitales basada en procesos naturales de Jaime de los Rios, las narrativas espaciales y pensamiento ciborg de Helena Torres, el sonido generado desde el cruce de planta y humana de Paula Pin, y el performance híbrido de Mutanger. Presentado por Pedro Soler.


Date: April 16th, 2012
Cate: actividades, places

Speech in CISR St Petersburg 16.05.12

The development, humanization and “reanimation” of public city space through artistic methods.

The speech will take place here :

Since the beginning of the 21st century, and thanks to authors like Richard Florida or John Howkins, the idea that creativity is fundamental to the success of a city has been widely accepted. However the implementation of this idea has taken many forms. The existence of a “creative class” creates a new situation for class war (especially seen in gentrification) while the results of creativity (such as night life, more extreme forms of art, political activism) are often not welcome to authorities. Cities want the creativity but at the same time desire to control it.

As Gerard de Lacaze-Duthiers wrote in 1935 “Between art and authority lies an abyss. They are representations of different worlds, diametrically opposed”.


Date: April 11th, 2012
Cate: actividades, places

Pixelache Helsinki 12 May 2012

The tension between the individual and the collective is always present in filigrane in human society. The wealth of western society and its dependence on the State has generated a situation of excessive individualism, damaging the natural capacity for cooperation and creating a fractured world where all exchanges are monetarized.

The events of 2011 – Arab Spring, 15M, Occupy Movement – and those to come in 2012 –  are the tip of the iceberg of a widespread desire for a more collective way of thinking and living, rejecting huge imbalances of wealth and putting into practise other forms of social organisation and creation. Starting from the idea of the Commons – shared resources that are managed collectively – we will explore examples of initiatives coming from a variety of practises and areas of the world that put into practise strategies for change.
